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Breakfast and After School Club

Our Breakfast and After School Club is open in term time only (excluding INSET days) for Reception to Year 6 pupils at St Monica’s RC Primary School. We are open every morning, Monday to Friday from 7.30am – 8.55am and from 3:30pm – 5.45pm (and to 5.30pm on Friday). 


Breakfast is served from 7.45am until 8.15am. Breakfast comprising of cereal, toast, fruit, water and milk will be provided, followed by activities for children once they have eaten. All children will be taken straight to their classrooms at the end of each session.


An after school snack is served between 4:00pm and 4:30pm. This may comprise of a sandwich, biscuit, yogurt and fruit. Milk and water will be available for the children to drink.

Breakfast Club is charged at £5.50 per day and Afterschool Club is £6.50-12.50. We offer 10% sibling discount when siblings attend together. 


For for further information, please contact the school office via email at or telephone 0161 748 3353.


