Our SENDCO is Mrs Joanne Agnew. For any information relating to SEND, please contact Mrs Agnew on
0161 748 3353 or email on
Zones of Regulation
We use the zones of regulation to help our children manage their feelings and emotions and support them with their social, emotional and behavioural needs. You may find them useful to use at home too.
Trafford Local Offer for Parents/Carers
Find out what is on offer in your local area for a child or young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND) and their families. Video aimed at parent carers, produced by Aside Media Productions, with huge thanks from Trafford Family Information Service (FIS).
Trafford Local Offer Video for young people with Special Educational Needs
Find out what is on offer in your local area if you are a young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND). Video aimed at young people living in Trafford produced by Aside Media Productions, with huge thanks from Trafford Family Information Service (FIS).
Trafford Local Offer video: