Welcome to the Saint Monica's Sacramental Programme.
At St Monica's we are able to receive two Sacraments:
Our school prides itself on strong links between the parish, school and home. This means that the preparation for these sacraments remains very strong.
Parents are invited to attend workshops with their child, in order to be fully involved in the preparation for the Sacraments.
School and parish coordinator for the Sacramental Programme is Mrs Charlotte Morrison.
The sacrament of Reconciliation is received by baptised Catholic children at a special evening service during Lent.
Year 3 take another step along their Faith Journey, by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a chance to say sorry to God for the things they have done that have hurt God, others and themselves. When God created man, in his image and likeness, he knew we would make wrong choices so he gave us the gift of Reconciliation so that we have the opportunity to put our wrongs, right and grow closer, to God; following in his ways.
Children in Year 3 receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
The children prepare thoroughly for this Sacrament. The preparation takes place during meetings between school, parents, and the parish priest. In addition to this, children in Year 3 work on an internal faith retreat in order to further deepen their understanding of sharing the bread and wine in the Eucharist.
The children receive Holy Communion after Easter. This sacrament is widely celebrated by the entire school and parish community.