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Links to Useful Websites and Guides

Links to support E-Safety 


Attached are some very useful 'e-safety' websites, which are particularly aimed at parents, that you can use to find out more about Apps and how to talk to your child about certain issues. This website has tips, advice, guides and online resources to help keep your child safe whilst online. Their advice and resources are there to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively. There are many guides for popular, specific apps that can be found here. This website has lots of age-appropriate activities and games that you can do at home with your child, to learn about internet safety. You can view some of the things that are taught in schools and there are parent guides and videos related to concerns that you may have. This website is about help and advice for families in a digital world and has lots of specific guides about certain apps/websites and appropriate settings.   - set parental controls on apps/devices/wifi


NSPCC - Net Aware 

Digiduck Stories for children in Key Stage 1 and Early Years
