Here at Saint Monica's, we celebrate our faith in many different ways. Look at some of the special events that take place during our school year that have a particular focus or importance to our Catholic Faith.
In the Bag - Lenten Inspiration
Our travelling Lenten prayer bag has started its journey!
Ash Wednesday Mass
We had a very special mass on Wednesday, Father Kieren explained the importance of the cross of ashes on our forehead. He told us we are wearing the 'badge of Jesus' telling the world that we follow Jesus. Our GIFT team made pretzel prayers gifts for all the parishioners and children. They explained to the congregation the meaning behind the shape of the pretzel and the prayer attached.
Here at Saint Monica's we have learnt about the letter that Pope Francis sent out the world encouraging us all to look after our common home (Laudato Si). Within school we have been living this for many years and it is intrinsically built into our daily lives and many of our topics across the curriculum. Nursery have their allotment where they grow their own vegetables, upper Key stage 2 have learnt about Fairtrade and palm olive products, EYFS cover a topic all about reduce, reuse and recycle. We care for all generations with the Nursery visiting a local residential home. We look after our local environment with volunteer days where parents and families can help keep our school and church grounds tidy. Our pupils won a local community competition to design logos for Urmston in Bloom, promoting care for the local community. Year 5 have made videos and radio podcasts to promote reduction of pollution. Travel tracker, which is used throughout school promotes a healthy lifestyle encouraging children to walk, cycle or scoot to school and not use carbon dioxide producing vehicles. We have also planted trees with the forestry commission along the fencing between school and Wellacre's field.