REVEAL is the heart of the process. The children will discover the Christian understanding of the mystery of the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They explore the mystery of human life as revealed in the person, life and gospel of Jesus Christ Christians. It will involve learning about Scripture, the teachings of the Church, prayers, rites, psalms, hymns and other expressions of Christian faith and the lives of outstanding Christians.
This will involve:
meeting new knowledge of religious education;
developing an understanding of this new knowledge;
reflecting on the wonder of the mystery;
gathering information and collecting facts connected with this knowledge;
researching, collating and classifying;
becoming aware of questions raised;
working with problems and grappling with puzzling experiences;
exploring experiences through story, music, drama, dance, art;
exploring what leads to understanding and meaning;
asking questions and discussing;
exploring in creative and practical ways through drama, writing, poetry, song, dance, music, ICT and service to others.
making links between Christian understanding and the shared life experience;
valuing life experience;
acknowledging and respecting difference(s);
being open to new perspectives.