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Key Stage 1 at St Monica's

Welcome to Key Stage 1


There are 3 classes in KS1.

The teachers are:


  • Miss Benson (1B)

  • Miss Frith (2F, this is a split Y1/2 class)

  • Miss Stott (2S)


We are also very lucky to be supported by our wonderful teaching assistants too:

Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Richardson, Mrs Murphy, Mrs Carter and Mrs O'Callaghan.


As a whole department, we are always very excited to greet and welcome children into Key Stage 1. We want to do all we can to help the children transition happily and to reach their full potential throughout their time with us.


Children will spend two years in Key Stage 1 - Year 1 and Year 2. 


During this time they will study many different subjects including: English, Maths, Religion, Science, Computing, Geography, History, PE, Art, Design and Technology, PSHE, Music and RHE. 


English and Maths are developmental. The children will work through Literacy and Numeracy schemes at an appropriate level informed by ongoing assessment.


Links are made between subjects and are then grouped into topics which the children study. The topics are planned on a rolling programme over two years. Therefore, all of KS1 work on the same topic at the same time. Topics are planned as a department and teachers liaise very closely to ensure continuity across all classes.


Opportunities for continuous provision and structured play activities are available in both Year 1 classrooms as the children transition from Reception. 


Homework and how to support your child at home


In Key Stage 1, the children are expected to read at home every night. We will also provide a bookmark to help you question your child about their reading. 


In addition, they will be set weekly spelling homework on Literacy Shed and weekly maths homework on Maths Shed.


On this page, you will also find lots of links to extra games and videos that will help your child`s learning at home. 


Reading - Independent reading books are changed and sent home weekly. Reading and questioning your child about their reading is so important. We do provide a bookmark to give you some ideas about the types of questions to ask.


Phonics - In school, we follow the Read Write Inc programme. By the end of year 1, children should know all of the set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. They should be able to confidently segment and blend sounds. Phonics play is an excellent website for children to practise.


Handwriting - Practising correct letter formation is so important. Children need to know where to start and end correctly. 


If you have any questions throughout your child's time in Key Stage 1, then please do not hesitate to come and see any of the KS1 teaching staff.


Mrs Cosgrove

Deputy Headteacher and Key Stage One Leader

