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Remote Learning

Remote education provision


The information on this page is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.


Details are also included about what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating.


What ‘remote learning’ can I expect?

This information is to be used as a general guide and parents can expect further details of remote learning for their child as and when it is required. We aim to implement remote learning from your child’s second day of absence. There are 2 general scenarios outlined below; the first scenario where your child is not permitted to attend school and the second outlines the actions in the case of a whole bubble not being permitted to attend school.


The government’s Oak Academy online lessons can be used for remote learning for every year group, covering a wide range of curriculum objectives.



Remote learning

My child (and their siblings if they are also attending St Monica’s Primary) is absent because they are awaiting test results and our household is required to self-isolate. The rest of their school bubble are attending school and being taught as normal.



Every morning:

  • Reading should be continued at home as usual on a daily basis. The children should also use their reading bookmark each time they read and record their answers in their Reading Record. If further reading books are needed, these will be made available at the school office for collection (you can ask a friend or neighbour hopefully to collect on your behalf).
  • Spelling Shed will still be available to your child. They should log on every morning and choose a Spelling activity/game to complete. They should also complete the weekly spelling homework task set too.
  • Maths Shed will still be available to your child. They should log on every morning and choose a maths activity/game to complete. They should also complete the weekly maths homework task set too.
  • Class teachers are able to monitor Maths Shed and Spelling Shed usage and how your child is finding the tasks set for homework.
  • Times Table Rock Stars should be used for 15 minutes a day for those children in Year 2 upwards in order to help them with their quick recall of times tables.
  • Phonics Play should be used for 15 minutes a day for those children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This website has some free games which will allow your child to consolidate their phonics knowledge.


Every afternoon:

  • Additional online activities including Read Theory (YR5 & 6) and Rapid Reading will be available to some children who have access to these.
  • The Government’s ‘Oak Academy’ lessons will also be available for your child to dip in and out of.



My child’s whole bubble is not permitted to attend school because they, or another member of their bubble, have tested positive for Covid-19.


We enter another ‘lockdown’ with total school closure.

Every morning:

  • Maths lesson/task will be uploaded to the relevant class page on the School’s Website/class dojo page. This will be in-line with what would have been covered in the classroom at that time. This may include a White Rose maths video (the scheme used in school) or an instructional video made by the class teacher. Worksheets and resources will also be uploaded and answers for self-marking at home. The quantity set will be dependent on age/stage of your child.
  • English lesson/task will also be uploaded to the relevant class page on the School’s Website/class dojo page. This will be in-line with what would have been covered in the classroom at that time. This may include an instructional video made by the class teacher. Worksheets and resources will also be uploaded, where necessary, and answers for self-marking at home, if the activity lends itself to this. The quantity set will be dependent on age/stage of your child and will cover all areas including: spelling, grammar, writing and reading. Some of these will be ‘handed in’ to your child’s class teacher by either sending a photo of the work (if completed on paper) or sending an electronic file (e.g. a word document) via a class email address. Those tasks which require this will be communicated to you on the website/class dojo page.
  • Reading should be continued at home as usual on a daily basis. The children should also use their reading bookmark each time they read and record their answers in their Reading Record. If further reading books are needed, these will be made available at the school office for collection (you can ask a friend or neighbour hopefully to collect on your behalf).


Every afternoon:

  • A wider curriculum task will be uploaded to the relevant class page on the School’s Website/class dojo. This will be in-line with what would have been covered in the classroom at that time and could be Religion, Science or Topic based.  Some tasks may include an instructional video made by the class teacher. Worksheets and resources will also be uploaded and answers for self-marking at home, if the activity lends itself to this. The quantity set will be dependent on age/stage of your child.  Some of these will be ‘handed in’ to your child’s class teacher by either sending a photo of the work (if completed on paper) or sending an electronic file (e.g. a word document) via a class email address. Those tasks which require this will be communicated to you on the website/class dojo.
  • Apps and websites listed in the previous section will still be available for your child to access at home. These include: Maths Shed, Spelling Shed, Times Table Rock Stars (Year 2 onwards), Phonics Play (website) and Read Theory and Rapid Reading for those who have access to these two.



  • In EYFS, the work set will be age appropriate.
  • If a teacher has not had any contact with you on dojo for two days, they will try to phone you.
  • 1:1 support if your child receives some 1:1 support, they will still be expected to still complete the learning set, but a more bespoke programme of support will be available where necessary, including phone calls.
  • Printer access If you do not have access to a printer, printouts will be made available at the school office for collection (you can ask a friend or neighbour hopefully to collect on your behalf).
  • Access to a device if you do not have access to a device, please do let your child’s class teacher know.
  • Data allowance if you are experiencing some difficulties with your current data allowance whilst accessing home learning, please do let the office know.
  • “Live lessons” in KS1 and KS2 twice weekly Zoom sessions will be held. One session will have a social and relationships focus (for example, either show and tell, story time or a game) and the other will be a chance to catch-up with the class teacher and ask questions specifically about the remote learning. In EYFS, one Zoom session will take place per week, which will have a social and relationships focus.


